Thursday, August 30, 2007

Crit# 1

- In this piece, there are a lot of free flowing lines. Among the falling, fluid lines there are seemingly chaotic marks that almost resemble ink splatters. The layering found about the “splatter” marks appear as random spots, dark misting areas and nearly unnoticeable, washed out, short lines. Around the lighter areas of the art reveal sturdy, geometric lines that are on the other hand softer than both the striking, fluid lines and the noticeable dark splatters. Certain flowing lines stand out, because of their orange/brown color, which opposes the overall grayscale theme.

- The work can bring up the feeling that spontaneous efforts overshadow predicted order. Also, the lines that lead through the splatters could represent thriving beings/groups/etc. that experiences its own spontaneous events that sometimes can result to utter destruction.

- Overall, the work seems to be a successful design, which at first might seem unfocused in meaning, but can suggest the audience to create their own interpretations and meaning for it. The lines lead the eye around most of the composition, and at the same time, it takes you back to the darkest splatters dead center of the image.

1 comment:

Pat Autenrieth said...

I'm impressed! You got right on this. Let the everyone else know if you had any difficulty setting up the blog.

Your comments are very clear, but don't be so cautious--"...the work seems to be a successful design." Go ahead and say it, if you believe it: "I think this work is successful."